So I picked up those two chairs on Tuesday, instead of Monday, and Wednesday picked up some black RIT dye at JoAnn's. Keep in mind, the last time I dyed anything, I was a Girl Scout.
Josh was freaked out that the black dye would stain our washer, and I kept trying to reassure him that it wouldn't. (Even though I was a little unsure myself. EEP!)
Last night I did one chair cover, and I'm pretty pleased with myself. See the post below for a before picture!
The seat still looks a little odd, like it didn't dye completely evenly due to some fading on the original cover. But it looks a million times better than it did before. Now if I could only get that last inch of the top to come all the way down... I'll keep trying to work it down tonight while I dye the other cover.
Since there are only two of them, I'm not really sure what to do with them. They're not really nice enough for our dining room. I'm thinking of incorporating them both into my office somehow.
Oh and the black dye didn't stain our washer.
I also finally got around to making a bag for my yoga mat. It was really simple, and not as fancy as the ones you can buy, but it works for me! My yoga mat always ended up unrolled by the time Josh drove us to the gym on yoga nights, but not anymore! Now if it rolls off the seat when he takes a corner too quickly, it stays rolled up!
I really love the fabric pattern and got enough to make some new pillows for the couch in the same fabric!
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